Thank you for exploring our savings feature within your BigPay app.
Can I withdraw my savings from Stash? Of course you may and you can perform a withdrawal any time at your convenience.
Here's the steps to perform a withdrawal:
Step 1: You may perform a withdrawal by tapping the button in the screen under Explore>Stashes.
Step 2: Key in the amount you wished to withdraw from the accumulated amount.
Step 3: Tadaa! The amount will be withdrawn from the accumulated amount in your Stash and credited back into your BigPay main balance.
Do you know what you can lock a stash to prevent the amount to be withdrawn into your main wallet balance? Here's how to lock and unlock it:
Step 1: Tap on the "setting" icon at top right corner under the stash you wished to 'lock'
Step 2: Select the lock feature and tap on 'Lock Stash'
Step 3: You will received a message mentioning that "Stash locked" which means the lock feature was successfully activated.
To unlock it, repeat the steps to tap on lock feature and further select 'Unlock Stash'
If you need any assistance, kindly chat with us by tapping the circle on the top left of 'Home'> Get Help> Chat with us, and we are ready to assist you further.